
Showing posts from December, 2017

Peer Lesson #9 (Crushed Can Fish)

For this lesson learned about the effects recycling has on the environment. For the art portion we created fish out of construction paper, paint, and a crushed soda can. The requirements of the fish is that it needed two different patterns and three different colors. After we created our fish we made a class mural our of cardboard and bottle caps. To end the lesson we had to write down one reason we should recycle on a piece of card stock. For an extension activity I would have student bring in items from their house that they could recycle and create an animal of their choosing. An example is that a student could create a lion out of a two liter bottle, stirring sticks, and construction paper. After the animal is created, I would have them write down 5 facts about the animal they chose. This would tie the art lesson in with science.

Peer Lesson #8 (Scratch Art)

For this lesson we created our own scratch art paper, and made a mitten from it. The paper was created by us drawing on a piece of white paper with crayons, and then painting over with a mixture of water and paint. Once the paint dried, we used a wooden tool to scratch our designs on the paper. The requirement were that each mitten needed to have two different types of lines on it. An extension activity that I would do with this is have the student scratch off different cursive letters on a piece of the scratch of paper. I think this would be a fun way for the students to learn how to write in cursive.

Peer Lesson #7 (Totem Poles)

This is the lesson that Ms. Larson and I co-taught in our art class. We taught the students about the signifiants and usage of totem poles in multiple Native American cultures. We then had the student divide up into four animal groups (Wolf, Beaver, Otter, and Eagle) and create totem of the animal that they signed up for. The totems were made out of construction paper and markers. The requirements were that each totem needed at least two 3D aspects, and three different colors on it. An extension activity with the totem poles would have each student write a story about their totem, and what it represents. This would work on the students literacy skills, and have them be creative.

Peer Lesson #6 (Clay Tiles)

For this lesson we learned about tiles, and how other cultures used them as art. For the art portion we were asked to create a clay tile that represented ourselves. For this I created one with pizza on it, because it is my favorite food. For an extension activity I would have the students create a tile of a rock or mineral of their choice. I would then have them write down on a note card three facts about the mineral. This would tie into what they are learning in Earth Science, and have them have more fun when learning about minerals.

Peer Lesson #5 (Weaving)

I this project we learned how to weave coasters. The lesson was tied into the book "Gathering Blue" by Lois Lowry. We also learned how people weaved in the past. To end the activity we had to write down what we learned about weaving, and the story on a notecard. The extension activity I would do with this project would have the students weave patterns into the coaster. It would incorporate math and give a better understanding on what a pattern is. I would then also give students something to show their parents, and they can use at home

Peer Lesson #4 (Greeting Cards)

For this lesson we created holiday greeting cards. We started out by drawing our design on a piece of scratch paper. We then transferred the design to a piece of styrofoam, indenting where the lines were. After that we rolled paint onto the styrofoam, and pressed the styrofoam onto a piece of white paper. Once the paint dried on the paper we glued the paper onto a piece of folded construction paper, and wrote a message on the inside. An extension activity I would do with this project is have the students show one thing they learned in the class on the front, and then write a message to a parents/guardian about what they are learning in the class on the inside. This could be with any subject, and it is a good way to show their families what they are learning in school.

Peer Lesson #3 (Paper Mosaic)

For this lesson we learned about mosaics, and how they were used in different cultures. For the art portion we were given a season and had to create a paper mosaic artwork based on the season. The season I received was summer, so I created a mosaic based on one of my favorite activities to due in the summer, which is fishing. To create the mosaic you had little snippets of different colored paper and had to glue them to a piece of construction paper in a way to show the items you representing. You then could put a piece of paper the color of of you back construction paper to make a silhouette. For an extension activity, I could have the students make mosaics based on a state, for the background piece of construction paper, I would have them cut that in the shape of the state they were given and they would then have to make the mosaic represent what that state is know for. For example, the mosaic for South Dakota could be Mt. Rushmore. I would then hang them up like a map, with the ...

Peer Lesson #2 (Kandinsky Fall Creations)

For this lesson we learned about the artist Wassily Kandinsky. We then created art based on his work.  The artwork we created used both organic and geometric shapes, along with cool and warm colors. The organic shapes that were used were related to the season autumn. The requirements for our work is that we needed to use at least three warm colors and three cool colors, along with four different shapes, two of which were organic and two geometric. A extension activity that I would use this lesson with would be having the students of a younger classroom make a number line in the sections, for example one of the papers would have 1-4, and the next one would have 5-8, and so on until they hit 100. I would then have them place them in the correct order, and once they are done with that I would hang them up on the wall. It would be a good way for the students to know the placement of numbers and work on counting skills.

Peer Teaching #1 (Navajo Cactus Drawing)

In this lesson we learned about the Navajo people and their culture. We then created a piece of art that was inspired by their artwork. We used crayons, colored pencils, and water color paint. We created a painting of cacti that look like that of the Navajo paintings. The vases of the cacti had to have patterns in which were also inspired by the Navajo people and their culture. An extension activity of this could be having the students do this with other cultures of the world. An example of this is creating a painting that is similar to the paintings in Russia, or creating a painting of Russian Nesting Dolls.

Project #5 (Van Gogh)

In this project we learned about the artist Vincent Van Gogh, and created a piece of art inspired by his art. The project used tissue paper, construction paper, and oil pastels. We glued the tissue paper to a dark piece of construction paper, and drew our designs on the tissue paper. After that we added a silhouette to the paper, laying over top the tissue paper. To finish the project we listed three things we learned about Van Gogh. An extension activity that could be done with this project would be have each student do research on a scientist, and create art based on one of the concepts that they contributed on. An example of this would be a student having Issac Newton, and their art piece would be of an apple falling, showing Newton's study of gravity.

Project #4 (DOT Day)

In this project we used oil pastels, crayons, water color paints, and coffee filters to create dots. The crayons and oil pastels resisted the paint spreading, cause the dots to show through. After the dots dried on the coffee filters, we hung the them with other students dots. An extension activity the students could do is have them create planets and moons on the dots and hang them from the ceiling, thus creating a classroom solar system, where I as the teacher would create a giant dot to represent the Sun.

Project #3 (Hidden Safari)

   In this project we created a "hidden safari", where we drew an animal in a cool color lightly, and then covered it up with warm color designs and patterns. We then had red glasses that were used to see the animal the we drew. We created these glasses with red filmstrip and construction paper. These glasses help us see the animal because they are tinted with a warm color, so the other warm colors are not as visible. An extension activity that could be done with this would have the students write down math problems with the warm colors, and have the answer in the cool color behind it. The students would then go around the room and try and figure the answers out, checking their work with the glasses as they go.

Project #2 (Elements and Principles)

This photo was taken at a Colorado Rockies game, I used it to show Space. This photo was taken at Estes Park CO, I used it to show Unity. This is a photo of my wall which is used to show Texture. This picture of my folders is used to show Color. This photo of Jerde Hall is used to show Balance. An extension activity for this project that I would do is have the students use the principles of math (addition, subtraction, ect.) and find or create photos the demonstrate that. An example of this would be having a photo of two flowers spaced apart, and then having two flowers on top of each other next to them.