Peer Lesson #3 (Paper Mosaic)

For this lesson we learned about mosaics, and how they were used in different cultures. For the art portion we were given a season and had to create a paper mosaic artwork based on the season. The season I received was summer, so I created a mosaic based on one of my favorite activities to due in the summer, which is fishing. To create the mosaic you had little snippets of different colored paper and had to glue them to a piece of construction paper in a way to show the items you representing. You then could put a piece of paper the color of of you back construction paper to make a silhouette.

For an extension activity, I could have the students make mosaics based on a state, for the background piece of construction paper, I would have them cut that in the shape of the state they were given and they would then have to make the mosaic represent what that state is know for. For example, the mosaic for South Dakota could be Mt. Rushmore. I would then hang them up like a map, with the smaller states being created by me. This would help them learn the states better.


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